Engagement Terms.

These are the engagement terms for Urban Angles Pty Ltd ABN 47 099 585 529 (our, us, we, Urban Angles). We will email you login details so you can request us to provide services (Services) using the website at http://urbanangles.com (UA).

You can accept these terms by clicking ‘I accept’, by signing these terms and returning them to us at studio@urbanangles.com or by ordering Services from us after you have received these terms.

  1. You may request us to provide Services in accordance with these terms by providing us with detailed information of the Services requested using https://youshoot.urbanangles.com or by phone or email (Order). We will confirm the Order via email.

  2. You agree that the works, illustrations, photographs and other works that we or our employees or contractors create (Images) may be combined with other images, text, graphics and cropped, altered or modified. You must ensure
    that the Image is suitable for your intended purpose before use.

  3. You must pay us the price for the Services (plus GST and any associated printing, packaging, freight and insurance fees) provided by us under an Order within 14 days of our invoice.

  4. We retain all copyright and other intellectual property rights (IP) in the Images that we or our employees or contractors create in connection with each Order (Image IP).

  5. Upon payment in full of the invoice for the relevant Order, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferrable licence to use the relevant Image IP for the purpose for which the Order was placed.

  6. All consents, permissions, approvals, licences, rights or licences to use IP, personal information (as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) and access to real property that are reasonably required for us to provide the Services
    in accordance with each Order and use the Image IP for any purpose (including advertising, promoting, marketing, licensing and on-selling the Images) must be provided or arranged by you.

  7. To the extent that the Image IP includes you or your property, you give us your irrevocable and unconditional consent to use Images depicting you or your property for any purpose (including advertising, promoting, marketing,
    licensing and on-selling the Images).

  8. To the extent permitted by law, our liability to you in connection with the provision of the Services is limited to:

    1. supplying those Services again; or

    2. paying you the cost of having those Services supplied again.

  9. To the extent permitted by law, our total liability in connection with the Services is otherwise limited to the price paid
    or payable by you for those Services.